January - March 2024

Carers Create
Is this for me?
Carers create was a series of arts activities that promoted better health and well-being aimed at unpaid carers.
Carers Create was a Revoluton Associate project which aimed to improve the well-being of carers in Luton through engaging textile art activities.
The initiative was championed and led by the award-winning, Mary Hearne, a Luton-based socially engaged arts practitioner, workshop facilitator and textiles artist. Mary’s textile art focuses on health and wellbeing, understanding illness and recovery, and playfully untangling political and social issues.
Mary collaborated with Revoluton to organise immersive workshops. Participants of the workshops created wax prints and collagraphy designs with personalised messages on them.
The contributions from Lutonians engaged in the workshops inspired and contributed to the design of a new piece of public art. The resulting textile artwork now serves to raise awareness of the experiences and contributions of carers in the Luton community. It was first exhibited in the Bute Street Film and Art Festival 2024.
Carers create was a series of arts activities that promoted better health and well-being aimed at unpaid carers.
A Revoluton Arts project made by Revoluton Associate Mary Hearne, supported by Arts Council England, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and Bloomberg Philanthropies.